Dirtybitpodcast home of erotic audio stories Read by Sherry .

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Explore what it would be like to get a blowjob from mermaid sisters.
To invite your cute neighbor over after bumping into her on a jog.
To make a deal with a demoness to lose your virginity.
To have your crush make a move on you because you have been too oblivious.
Or to have your annoyed cat girl begging for your attention.

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DirtyBitPodcast 250- Holiday Double Fun Pack
Merry Christmas you naught boys and girls.
This Christmas SexxxySherry reads you not just one story but two naughty Santa stories.
As it's the season of giving, I decided to give myself a little pre Christmas gift and ordered a new toy. The opening act from Pure Romance is one of the hottest toys I've ever tried. Couple that with the "O" lube and it'll be so good even Santa will cum twice. With 30 different settings I challenge you to a different orgasm every day for a month. Sounds like an amazing challenge and we would love to hear all about it. Check out the Opening Act and other amazing toys on Facebook at Tiffany's Romance Corner or on the web at pureromance.com/TiffanyNewhook. And don't forget to tell us all about your new toys! Happy shopping.
Our first naughty tale is All I want for christmas is Bukkake by Jane Smith
Santa and Mrs Claus work very hard for half the year, but what about the other half? Enjoy this seasonal bukkake orgy story about what Santa and his elves really get up to the rest of the year.
Then stay tuned for A Christmas Party Tale by Bakeboss.
We all hear stories about the company...but what about when it happens to you? When Santa’s stand in meets a helpful coworker with a Santa kink, the party you thought would be boring takes a happy turn.

Direct download: DirtyBitPodcast_250-_Holiday_Double_Fun_Pack.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 8:21pm MST

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