Dirtybitpodcast home of erotic audio stories Read by Sherry .
Dirtybitpodcast 30-Sexxxy Tips and Tricks

SexxxySherry gives some tips to spice up you sex life plus an ad for Chuchi-Cheeks Lingerie Boutique.

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Direct download: dirtybitpodcast30-sex_tips_and_tricks.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 10:29am MST

Twas the nigh before sexxxmas written and read by sexxysherry

Direct download: dirtybitpodcast_09-sexxmas.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 8:58pm MST

Dirtybitpodcast05 Workday Fun
A tales of a fun time at work (MF)

Direct download: dirtybitpodcast_05-work_day_fun.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 8:06pm MST

Written by Lisa Rains read by SexxxySherry. A wife confesses to her husband what happened to her on her trip to Pairs with her girlfriend.

If you have feed back Lisa would love to hear it, LisaRains65@aol.com. Her stories are featured in the "Best Authors" section of the largest, most extensive cuckold site on the web. http://cuckold-chastity-belt-stories.com/authors/

Direct download: dirtybitpodcast29_-Alanas_confession2.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 1:37pm MST