Dirtybitpodcast home of erotic audio stories Read by Sherry .

DirtyBitPodcast 271- A Dream Wild And Wicket

A naughty tale for Halloween by Millie Dynamite and read by SexxxySherry
A women has a sexual experince with a spirt, is it a dream?

Follow Millie Dynamite:

Direct download: DirtyBitPodcast_271-_A_Dream_Wild_And_Wicket.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 4:24pm MST

DirtyBitPodcast 270- Mummy
A naughty scary horror tale by Zatanna Xtra and read by SeXXXySherry toget you in the mood for Halloween.

The Hyper-Realistic Horror Hotel is a Haunted
House Experience like None-Other . . . for so
many more reasons then it's Truly Dedicated
Fans will Ever know.
Floor after Floor, Room after Room, this old
Hotel has been converted into a Prison of
Torture, Pain, Torment and Fear of Death for
the Unlucky Actors who thought they'd just be
playing Characters in the Fight for their Lives.
The Guests who visit the Hotel pay larger
amounts to Tour it . . . because it all looks so
Real! The Bondage, the pained looks, the blood
and the Fear on the Faces of those being held
Captive in one Theme room after another...
Trick is, the Guests don't know the reason it all
looks so Real, is because it is ALL REAL!
Welcome to the World of:
"Zatanna Xtra Dark"

Zatanna Dark
Twitter @dark_zatanna

Direct download: DirtyBitPodcast_270-_Mummy.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 2:59pm MST