Dirtybitpodcast home of erotic audio stories Read by Sherry .
Dirtybitpodcast 85- Solomon's Secret

Dirtybitpodcast 85- Solomon's Secret

Solomon needs to be controled by a strong woman, if not he can't get off.Another tale by Billie Rosie and read by SexxxySherry.
FM bondage
Check out Billie Rosie
Blog  http://www.billierosie.blogspot.co.uk
Amazon http://www.amazon.ca/FETISH-WORSHIP-Erotica-Billierosie-ebook/dp/B0046LUXP6
Twitter @jojojojude

Direct download: Dirtybitpodcast_85-_Solomons_Secret.mp3
Category:erotica -- posted at: 11:12pm MST